I added functionality into our engine to play animations. During the following projects I added additional functionality to the system such as automatic blending when switching animations, adding one or several additative animations and animation events.
I also did my specialization in animation, building a tool that animators can use to create animationtransitions themselves in visual script. To read more about that click here.
Animation Viewer
I created an Animationviewer with support for all the functionality of the animationsystem. This let the animators look at and test all their animations in engine.
The first game used short animations that had to be changed often and fast. To make this look good I implemented functionality to blend between animations over a set period of time.
Blend space
I created the functionality to blend between two animations based on an arbitrary normalized value. An example of this can be a blend between an idle and run animation, based on the characters speed.
Animation Events
Animation events made it possible to, for example, play a sound or a particle effect on a certain frame of an animation. For example we could make our character cast a spell on a certain frame instead of having to time it. We could also use this to tell when an animation was done playing. This could all be done from our visual scripting system.
Additative Animation
This lets you add animations to one another. It gave us the ability to for example make a character play a take damage animation while still shooting.
Bone Attachment
This gave us the ability to aquire the position of a bone. We could then use that position to attach objects to the bone. For example you could attach a muzzle flash particle to the front of a gun.