First person shooter
10 weeks halftime
Created using our own Engine, Thin Ice
Written in C++
My projectgroup:
Programmers: Pontus Jonsson | Anton Månsson | Viktor Jacklin | Kristoffer Franzon
Level Designers: Emma Thorsander | Agnes Hagström
Graphic Artists: Jack Forsberg | Kamil Haddad | Leon Miksec | Christoffer Börjesson
Animators: Zakarias Henricson | Isabelle Neuman
Technical Artists: David Bond | Gabriel Lindstedt
Animation & Script:
Implemented functionality from my specialization into the engine, making it possible for animators to set, add and blend animations using script.
Implemented the player and enemy animations using said script.
Implemented several other scriptnodes including a node to get Delta time and a node to stop a streaming particleemitter.
Implemented an ImGui system to create Beziercurves in realtime.
Implemented support for multiple meshes and textures to be imported from a single fbx-file.
Implemented the FPS camera.
Made the camera follow a bone on the player FPS arms animation.
Wrote the system we used for the player and enemy weapons.
Implemented hitmarker that show up when you get hit by something outside the screen.