Secret of frogland
8 weeks halftime
Created using inhouse engine TGA2D
Written in C++
Project group(5 Programmers, 2 Level designers, 3 Animators, 4 Graphic artists)
Wrote the functionality of crystalswitches from Zelda: A Link to the past, making the walls linked to the switch be either raised or lowered based on the state of switch.
Implemented timerswitches, which when activated lowered the walls linked to the switch for a certain time.
Added functionality to the walls linked to the switches so they could be raised or lowered based on their- and the switches color.
Implemented the HUD to show number of keys in inventory and which action the player has selected.
Added for throwable objects in the game so they could have different weights and be thrown different distances.
Added an item to the game, needed for progression, which made you able to lift and throw heavier objects.
Created and implemented a statemachine for the players and enemies animations to easier handle transitions.
Added all of the player and enemy animations into the game.
Made it so logic and rendering ran on separate threads,
Wrote the importing of levels from tiled with one other programmer.
Added a postmaster from an earlier project into the codebase to enable eventbased communication between interfaces.
Added a dialoguesystem from an earlier project which made it possible for anyone to add and write dialogue for the game.